Sunday, March 27, 2011

Searching for the Better Tot Toothpaste

Finding the right flouride toothpaste for kids seem easy enough since we have so many choices with varying flavors from different brands. But with a then two-year old toddler like mine, those choices are pretty limited. When it comes to a picky tot who insists on having his way and is pretty much a stickler to routines and familiar stuff, choosing the best toothpaste is never easy.

My son got used to using Sansfluo orange flavor for over a year now. And after his first dentist visit, we were advised to switch to toothpastes with flouride since he has milky build-up on his teeth due to prolonged bottled milk drinking. The flouride will help diminish the build-up and prevent future cavities from forming.

We tried giving him the Hapee kiddie toothpaste in orange flavor and Colgate bubblegum flavor...and his initial reaction was to cry and wipe his tongue with his fingers frantically to both toothpastes. He didn't like the new flavors or the minty taste and every time we even mentioned the word "brush"... he'd quickly hide his face under the pillows.

So I set out to buy all the different types and flavors of kiddie toothpastes available in Watsons and the Mercury Drug Store. We were on a mission to find the best tasting flouride toothpaste with the least minty flavor.

Since the Colgate flavors seem to be more minty compared to Hapee..we decided to skip the other Colgate flavors and bought Hapee grape, apple, cookies n- cream and Oral-B Stages berry bubble. All of which met with the same distasteful reaction.

Finally, I found a Tom's brand toothpaste in Strawberry flavor at Healthy Options. The strawberry flavor taste quite strawberry yogurt without the soury yogurt taste. And the best part? Almost no minty taste at all!

The downside? After about a month of using the Tom's Strawberry toothpaste, his teeth hasn't seen any improvement and the whitish milky build-up on his front teeth seemed to have progressed into full blown cavities. It seems like Tom's wasn't helping.

Since my tot seems to have gotten used to brushing his teeth by now, it was time to switch to another toothpaste. This time we tried Fluocaril Strawberry. This has a very slight minty taste that my son didn't seem to mind by now. And the best part, after a few weeks, his teeth has improved and the yellowish parts on his front teeth even seems to have receded.

After 3 initial visits to his dentists, now he's 3 yrs. old...he was finally brave enough to have his teeth cleaned and treated. We're still in the process of fixing his teeth and it will probably take a few more visits to get all the cavities patched up. But then, at least we're on the road to semi-perfect teeth once more! :)

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