Sunday, October 9, 2011

Eastwood Breastfeeding Station

My baby was becoming fussy and needed to feed real soon a few minutes after we got to Eastwood. I was looking for some sort of coffee shop or unoccupied couch nearby to feed S and was somewhat surprised to stumble upon a Breastfeeding Station in Eastwood Mall. Found it on the 3rd flr in the midst of the baby toys/clothes shops. I saw the sign hanging from the mall ceiling and followed the arrow...there was a somewhat long hallway (which was good since you get to be far from the noisy crowd) before I found the frosted glass door of the Breastfeeding Station.

The quiet and cozily lit walled room is a bit small but since am the only one using it, I can't complain about it being too crowded. It seemed relatively clean. There were 3 solo couches with some pillows, 3 curtains you can use to shade yourself in case you want some privacy and one small side table, a magazine rack and a big wall mirror at one corner.

They also have a changing table in the room with a covered trash bin on the side.

The downside...their inverter type A/C was dripping water on the side of the wall and there was a pool of water forming. Some more tables and a clean sink with running water to wash your hands inside the breastfeeding station would be nicer than having to go out and run to the end of the hallway to wash your hands in their restroom.
Other than that, knowing there's a breastfeeding station in Eastwood makes it one of the malls me and my family could frequent knowing there would be a quiet place I can access to feed my easily distracted baby.