Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My Second turns One: Born on the Fourth of July

Syoti just turned one feeling nostalgic. Feels like only yesterday when I was hoping that Sean will not come out for at least another week coz we haven't finished moving to our new room downstairs and renovations are a little behind. And of course, maybe coz of the stress, I woke up last year at 6:00am on this same day...the Fourth of July and realized I was bleeding and knew I was having contractions. So second boy was born on the fourth of July. Some people teased we should have named him Tom Cruise for his movie...but we settled for Sean joke. I like James Bond eh!

One year passed by so fast, I am barely ready for it to be over. I still want my baby to hold and cuddle! I want my baby in my arm, to nurse and hug and need me to carry him. But he's one now...and he's already excited to learn how to walk. He would run if he could but settles for walking one or two steps and grudgingly thumps his butt down on the floor with a whine of eager to grow up and start walking away from me (pout pout) ;p

All I can do now is savor each passing moment with him. I know he won't be a baby for long. My 4 year old is living testament to how fast they grow.  He's been sleeping with me every night of this past year, I've nursed him to sleep and through sickness and booboos, rocked him to sleep even if his heaviness made my arms sore just to soothe his sleepy crying. So all I can do now is cherish his babyness for I will surely miss it in the days to come.